Снежна бура во САД

САД неколку денови се борат со снежна бура, урагани и силни ветрови што убија најмалку 11 лица и оставија стотици илјади луѓе без електрична енергија.

Улиците на Њујорк и Бостон се заструпани со снег и секојдневниот живот на граѓаните е блокиран. Погледнете дел од фотографиите на Reuters од најновата природна катастрофа што ја погоди Америка.

A man drags a shovel up Beacon Hill during a severe winter snow storm in Boston A man shovels the sidewalk after the pass of a winter storm in Hoboken in New Jersey A woman carries a shovel to clear a path for her car after the passing of a winter storm in Jersey City A pedestrian carries their skis past the word "Blizzard" written in the snow stuck to the side of a building in Boston A man shovels snow in Copley Square during a blizzard in Boston The skyline of New York's Lower Manhattan and One World Trade Center after the passing of a winter storm in Newport in New Jersey Car is seen buried in snow along the Long Island Expressway in the Suffolk County area of New York Street sign is seen covered in snow in Manhasset A person walks though a snowy Central Park in New York Car is seen buried in snow along Long Island Expressway in the Suffolk County area of New York A man uses a snowblower to clear his driveway during a blizzard in Medford A woman works to clear snow from her sidewalk during a blizzard in Medford A man operates a snow plow in New York People make their way through snow in New York Sign stating is seen on a fueling pump of a Mobil Station in Queens borough of New York A NJ transit train rests at the Hoboken station after the pass of a winter storm in Hoboken

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